Wednesday, December 1, 2010

RON97 petrol to go up 15 sen

The government is to increase the price of the RON97 petrol blend by 15 sen to RM2.30 per litre from Dec 1, according to sources.

A formal announcement will be made later on Tuesday, one of the sources said. There will be no increase for RON95 and it is expected to remain at RM1.85 per litre.

azlanThe government had earlier this year cut subsidies on the benchmark RON95 blend, although it baulked at the wide-ranging reforms recommended by a government think-tank,
fearing a voter backlash.

The government does not subsidise RON97, which is a higher octane fuel compared to the RON95.

The price of RON97 is adjusted every month depending on the global price. It was last increased by 5 sen on Nov 2 to RM2.15.

In October, the government said its expenditure on fuel subsidies would be RM24.9 billion in 2011, up from a planned RM23.7 billion in 2010.

Malaysian inflation edged up to 2.0 percent year-on-year in October, and housing, water, electricity and fuel rose 1.4 percent from a year ago.

Those items account for 21.4 percent of the CPI basket

Source: Reuters


  1. Just rise...keep rise more before New Year and Chinese New Lunar Year.
    Increase...and still low continue before GRE13 could be in 2 years time.
    For those who complain indeed will be helping BN or UMNO to win.Remember how Pak Lah was ousted for no confidence yet still same with Sabah.
    So rise and raise whatever making rakyat to feel it!

  2. Some bigots rakyat don't care how their childrens will be suffered for the sake of few hundreds bucks given by the evil assssno by keep voting the corrupted and incompetence of the presence government.

    With the high cost of living due to inflation, how can the rakyat survive with merely RM500 a month job especially in Sabah? Please use your brain to think and not your assss.

  3. You must be one who with 'cow dung in the brains' like them.One reason why many among rakyats here still live in comfort is with subsidi too low and will never jump up.
    They won't learn any lesson and it will be quicker to teach them by adding more 'salt' or keep increasing prices of domestic needs making earlier journey to Putra Jaya!!!
    Many still assume sabahan are quite wealthier among malaysian with plenty like before!

  4. BN should increase the petrol prices of ROn95 to RM2.00 so the people can feel the effect.

  5. According to my friend who work for petronas, RON95 is a fcuk up oil and will spoil your car engine. You will need more money to maintain your car by using cheap oil like ron95

  6. I reckon PR and SAPP should concentrate on the bread and butter issues until the elections. Issues which affect the rakyat directly - like the increase in petrol prices, expensive cars, high tolls, creeping inflation on everyday items, GST, wastages, corruption, injustices of the police, judiciary, etc. These the BN has little or no defence and it is close to the heart of the rakyat. Avoid double edged issues like malay privileges as it is already enshrined in the constitution and these issues can turn against you just as easily as it is for you.

    Clement Lee

  7. Terror and terrible!
    Wikileaks dump implicates M'sian firms
    Read more from Wikileaks here

    2 Malaysian firms snared in Iran missile probe...
    "The two Malaysian-based companies named in the US State Department cable are:

    Electronics Components Ltd
    Skylife Worldwide Sdn Bhd., which the State Department said was a front-company.
    (No information was available about the background or origin of ECL. Skylife Worldwide is listed in the telephone directory as having its offices in Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. However its offices were closed when this posting was written.)

    The cable referred to information provided to China in December last year about Electronic Components Ltd trying to buy TRS-500 gyroscopes from a Chinese firm. The gyroscopes could be used in the guidance systems of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicles, the cable said."
    read more here

  8. This is exploiting issue just like Coal-Plant.
    Nuclear is terrible thing which every peace-loving malaysian against and really shame to our nation.

    Najib Razak should resign as PM!

    Malaysian from Abroad

  9. Why don't the malay-sia government to increase the RON95 to RM2, see what will the response from the rakyat especially those kancil drivers???

  10. Get this smaller car than kancil till next GRE13 to coup with fuel increase :-)!
    Smallest car at BBC World


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