Wednesday, November 3, 2010


PEMBOHONGAN  dan janji kosong BN pada kebiasaannya terus menjadi jadi pada saat saat kempen sesuatu pilihanraya akan berakhir. Mereka buat janji apa saja dan kalau boleh termasuklah menjanjikan 'bulan dan bintang' asalkan RAKYAT terpedaya dengan tipu helah mereka.

Selain memberikan tangki, zing, mesin jahit, peralatan dapur dan wang ringgit sebagai 'angpow' pemimpin mereka juga terus lantang mengumumkan projek bermacam macam yang dkategorikan sebagai kelulusan 'atas kertas' dimana selepas itu ditinggalkan begitu sahaja.

Dakwaan seperti ini telah terbukti apabila Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib (ketika itu Menteri Pertahanan) mengumumkan projek pembinaan sebuah Hospital diNabawan Pensiangan pada tahun 1994 ketika beliau berkempen pada PRU 1994.

Selepas sahaja BN tewas kerana gagal menumbangkan kerajaan PBS secara demokrasi, Hospital yang dijanjikan tinggal 'sign board' sehingga sekarang. Bagaimana pun setelah didesak rakyat Pensiangan kerajaan BN dapat juga membina satu Klinik Malaysia diNabawan yang jauh lebih lengkap seperti yang dicadangkan.

Kelibat buruk BN itu sudah pasti akan terus menular di Parlimen Batu Sapi sama ada mereka menang atau sebaliknya. Peruntukkan RM15 juta untuk menaiktaraf jalanraya Sibuga dan pembinaan Masjid Batu Sapi berharga RM5 juta mungkin akan menjadi angan angan untuk selama lamanya.

RAKYAT khususnya pengundi Batu Sapi, harus pandai menilai berapa sakitnya HATI rakyat disitu yang tidak dipedulikan selama ini lalu menterjemahkan kesakitan hati mereka kepada pemberian undi untuk calon SAPP. Jangan sekali kali memberi muka kepada pemimpin yang suka bermuka muka ketika mereka memerlukan sokongan RAKYAT/PENGUNDI seperti BN.


Gambar - Ini sign board Hospital Nabawan yang dijanjikan Najib tahun 1994


  1. From my observation, the continuous attack by Tham Nyip Shen against Yong is a carefully thought out strategy between Musa and himself, to end the political career of Sabah Progressive Party.

    It is clearly evident that Tham (as SAPP members called him, "Smiling Tiger" is the most dangerous and evil type of human behaviour) because the person does things inside without others knowing what he can do. He reads and practices the Art of Sun Tzu.

    Recent accusations and lies he made through the Chinese and English presses were all engineered and 'revealed' accepting the fact that the general public will tend to believe him because he was once a close aide of Yong. The most dangerous enemy is the one who was once 'too' close to the saying goes.

    Tham thinks that by his incriminating lies will make a difference on the public views on Yong, and to satisfy his new boss, the CM for obvious reasons anybody can guess what.

    If BN lost Batu Sapi, his boss will be in dire straits including the only way, by hook or by crook this top dog will do the dirty job for his master...Now that I know Tham is a lowly cheapskate...a person of low moral...time will tell whether I am telling you the truth!

  2. memberikan tangki, zing, mesin jahit, peralatan dapur dan wang ringgit sebagai 'angpow'. TQ BN for this thing. Hope all the word BN give will materialize

  3. Biarkanlah mereka memberikan semua itu. Kita tengok ja nanti adakah rakyat masih memberikan sokongan atau tidak dengan BN. PKR pun apa kurangnya melakukan perkara yang sama. Yang aku tidak mahu dengar Anwar cakap kalau mereka menang PRU-13 =, harga minyak akan turun keesokkannya. tapi tidak tahulah. Turun esok naik lusanyalah mungkin itu.

  4. dalam pilihanraya mmg pelbagai janji akan diberikan, pembangkang juga turut menaburkan pelbagai janji sehingga ia tak masuk akal.

  5. PAS juga tidak kurang hebatnya, sanggup mengeluarkan RM250 untuk kos tambang.

  6. mana-mana parti pun menjanjikan itu dan ini ketika pilihan raya. yang penting janji mestilah rasional dan mampu ditunaikan.

  7. Kalau sya pengundi batu sapi, saya ambil ja semua barang2x atau duit diberikan oleh parti2x itu. Ambil bukan bermaksudnya pengundi akan undi mereka.

  8. Hari ini keputusan akan keluar. Saya harap calon yang terbaik akan menang pilihan raya kecil ini. Walaupun saya sendiri pun tidak pasti calon mana adalah yang terbaik. Macam sama ja.

  9. "Selain memberikan tangki, zing, mesin jahit, peralatan dapur dan wang ringgit.."

    kalau benda2 tu sudah nampak depan mata, itu bukan janji kosong..

  10. kalau parti pemerintah yang sebenarnya berkemampuan melaksanakan pembangunan dikatakan buat janji kosong, bagaimana pula dengan pembangkang?? lagilah kosong,.. bermimpilah penduduk Batu Sapi kalau mereka tertarik dengan janji pembangkang.

  11. kerajaan memberikan bantuan kepada rakyat, kenapa hal ini pun nak dimanipulasikan oleh pembangkang, tak ada modal lagi ke?

  12. "Peruntukkan RM15 juta untuk menaiktaraf jalanraya Sibuga dan pembinaan Masjid Batu Sapi berharga RM5 juta mungkin akan menjadi angan angan untuk selama lamanya."

    peruntukan yang telah diumumkan bermakna telahpun diluluskan.. ianya akan menjadi angan2 jika memilih PKR atau SAPP..

  13. rakyat tahu siapa yang baik untuk mereka dan siapa yang mampu membawa kemajuan kepada mereka..

  14. Well, you take it or leave it, but for sure your vote is remain silent!

  15. Kadang2 kita salah sangka dengan pemberian mereka itu.

  16. Diharapkan apa yang sudah dirancangkan oleh kerajaan untuk meluluskan pelbagai projek dapat dilaksanakan.

  17. Cakaplah apapun, yang pasti BN da menang :)

  18. Semoga BN dapat buktikan bahawasanya pilihan rakyat adalah tepat. Teruskan perjuangan utk menjaga kepentingan rakyat.

  19. Syukur jugalah pilihan raya berjalan lancar walaupun ada desas desus yang kurang enak didengar... Apapun Taniah pada BN kerana berjaya pertahankan kedudukan.

  20. Saya yakin pengundi pilih BN sebab kelayakan mereka dan bukannya disebabkan 'angpow'. hehehe

  21. Selepas ni sama2 lah kita berharap agar BN dapat memenuhi keperluar rakyat. Jangan biarkan pembakang mendapat ruang utk memburukan nama baik BN.

  22. Why Sapp lost are some real factors.

    1. BN machinery was well equipped (in fact almost all of malaysia's component parties played their part by sending their most efficient campaigners) aka manpower

    2. PR machinery has many imports to settle in Batu Sapi and campaign.

    3. BN is against SAPP, PR is also against SAPP, both choose SAPP as their main target.

    4. Character assination of Yong by his ex-deputy and dog, Tham Nyip Shen, who told untold stories with twisted lies against Yong, in the news, blogs and ceramahs...all sponsored by BN and paid well for those attending. Tham has used this strategy last time he won the state seat against come you are paid RM50, you bring along a friend, you also get RM50 and your friend get RM50...there is no limit to how much you can the crowd will grow...and then Tham or other speakers will brainwash you with their repeated attacks against their political opponent, and in this case, Yong was the target...Tham knew that people will believe him becoz he was once in Sapp, whether he speaks the truth or otherwise, people will become more and brainwashed after few sessions of ceramah.

    5. PR on the other hand, tried to protray Yong and SAPP are cahoots with whispering campaign and in ceramahs, and questioning Yong's autonomy and Sabah for Sabahans slogan. As Dap is well known as an opposition party while aligned with PKR and Pas, people will also believe what they said.

    6. BN with their secret weapon none other than $$$ ...carpet bombing have made their rounds giving out tons of stolen money to the kampungs into the wee hours at the eve of the election. (No thanks to the SPR which openly admitted they cannot do much about vote buying)

    7.Sources said that BN gave from RM500 to RM1000 per voter and RM3000 per household in the kampungs.

    8.Town and Taman areas mostly Chinese were told to get their money from the various BN parties PBS, MCA, LDP, you will get RM100 from each of them.

    9. Outstation voters around Sabah are paid RM400 to come to Batu Sapi whether they come by bus, taxi, car or air.

    10. Drains and road repairs will be immediately executed.

    11. Election Promises of more developments and grants.

    12. BN's use of the TV1, TV2, TV3 and NTV7 for their campaign and the mainstream newspapers and other government online news portals (completely blocking news from the opposition especially Sapp).

    maybe somemore...I may miss out...a black day for democracy in Sabah.

  23. Why Sapp lost are some real factors.

    1. BN machinery was well equipped (in fact almost all of malaysia's component parties played their part by sending their most efficient campaigners) aka manpower

    2. PR machinery has many imports to settle in Batu Sapi and campaign.

    3. BN is against SAPP, PR is also against SAPP, both choose SAPP as their main target.

    4. Character assination of Yong by his ex-deputy and dog, Tham Nyip Shen, who told untold stories with twisted lies against Yong, in the news, blogs and ceramahs...all sponsored by BN and paid well for those attending. Tham has used this strategy last time he won the state seat against come you are paid RM50, you bring along a friend, you also get RM50 and your friend get RM50...there is no limit to how much you can the crowd will grow...and then Tham or other speakers will brainwash you with their repeated attacks against their political opponent, and in this case, Yong was the target...Tham knew that people will believe him becoz he was once in Sapp, whether he speaks the truth or otherwise, people will become more and brainwashed after few sessions of ceramah.

    5. PR on the other hand, tried to protray Yong and SAPP are cahoots with whispering campaign and in ceramahs, and questioning Yong's autonomy and Sabah for Sabahans slogan. As Dap is well known as an opposition party while aligned with PKR and Pas, people will also believe what they said.

    6. BN with their secret weapon none other than $$$ ...carpet bombing have made their rounds giving out tons of stolen money to the kampungs into the wee hours at the eve of the election. (No thanks to the SPR which openly admitted they cannot do much about vote buying)

    7.Sources said that BN gave from RM500 to RM1000 per voter and RM3000 per household in the kampungs.

    8.Town and Taman areas mostly Chinese were told to get their money from the various BN parties PBS, MCA, LDP, you will get RM100 from each of them.

    9. Outstation voters around Sabah are paid RM400 to come to Batu Sapi whether they come by bus, taxi, car or air.

    10. Drains and road repairs will be immediately executed.

    11. Election Promises of more developments and grants.

    12. BN's use of the TV1, TV2, TV3 and NTV7 for their campaign and the mainstream newspapers and other government online news portals (completely blocking news from the opposition especially Sapp).

    maybe somemore...I may miss out...a black day for democracy in Sabah.

  24. Segala desas desus haruslah dihentikan. Kemenangan telah berpihak kepada BN.


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